Originally conceived as an art piece, the initial concept to turn Cloudy into a production element required the creation of a unique new mold design unlike any other used in glass blowing. Coupled with this new technology, 25 hand-made steps are skillfully forged by local artisans in the countryside of Venice to create each individual Cloudy element as has been done in the region generation after generation for hundreds of years. A more perfect union of art, science, and culture could not be better expressed by any other fixture and more fitting for the space in which it resides. The Cloudy product family includes two sizes available as pendants and ceiling lamps; all with white milky glass at the top and see-through glass at the bottom to create the true effect of a cloud. In recognition of the unique qualities, Cloudy was bestowed the prestigious IF Design Award in 2014. Materials: Hand Blown glass formed into a unique open mold with white and see-through layered-effects – Die-cast aluminum hardware and canopy – Installation: Surface and Suspended.
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